Weight Loss Begins TODAY!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

For as long as I can remember, I've always been labeled as the skinny girl. The girl who always made others sick because instead of not being able to lose weight, I was never able to gain weight. Before now, the most I had ever weighed outside of pregnancy was 135 lbs. I looked good back then. I had a little butt, some meat on my bones, and I was confident.

Back in high school, I weighed 105 lbs soaking wet. Everyone always gave me grief because I was too skinny so I decided to get on the Depo Provera  birth control shot because I'd heard that people gained weight on it. I started the shot in May of my sophomore year and when I can back to school in August, I had gained almost 15 lbs. I couldn't help smiling when  people told me how much better I looked.

When I got pregnant with my daughter, I weighed 120 lbs.  At the end of my pregnancy, I weighed 165. A week after I had Autumn I weighed about 135 lbs. Today I am not much less than what I weighed when I was at the end of my pregnancy. As a result of my weight gain that has occcured within the past year and a half, I am no longer confident, I don't feel pretty anymore, and none of my clothes fit.

I am sick of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. I am sick of going through my closet and not being able to wear any of my cute clothes anymore and I'm sick of always wearing t-shirts. I am SICK of being asked if I am pregnant and knowing damn well I look about 7 months along. But most of all, I'm sick of bitching about it and not doing anything at all. 

I can't blame my weight gain on having a child like most people can. I can't blame it on anyone but myself because I did it. I'm determined to lose this weight and lose it as fast as possible without being unhealthy. It just makes me sad because all of my life, I have been able to eat whatever I want and not worry about any consequences occuring. I have no excuses anymore. I have no reason not to lose weight.

I want to be sexy again. I want to get those looks from guys again because whether you're in a relationship or not, you know it's always nice to get stared at or know someone is looking. It's not being cocky, it's being confident. And I have always been confident... until now. 

So here I go. I'm making a change. I have never been able to stick to a diet or exercise before but I have to do this. I have to feel pretty again. The depressive slump I have been in for almost a year now isn't cutting it. I have to do this for me, but most of all I have to do this for my daughter because she is suffering from my depression too!



1. Drinking lots of water. I just looked on an online calculator and I need to be drinking about 3 liters of water a day. That's a lot of damn water, but I am determined!

2. Eating small meals. As you all know, I love to cook. And I don't cook healthy. That has to change. My fiance is going to hate me for this, but it will benefit us all in the end.

3. NO MORE SWEETS, DAMMIT! I'm not a big sweets eater anymore anyway, but when I want something I go for it. I guess that calls for more:

4. SELF CONTROL. You have no idea how hard it is for me to learn self control. Whether it's me opening my mouth for something I shouldn't be so opinionated about or eating whatever I want, I've got to to learn to have more self control.

5.  NO MO' BEER! I mean it man. That's probably why my belly is so big. When I get off of work, I like to have a beer or two. I also like to go out and have a few beers with my friends. I'm changing this starting today. A beer every once in a while is alright. I will not be doing it several times a week anymore.  (Man, I hope I can stick to that one!)

So there. Those are my goals. I also plan on exercising as much as possible. And any kind of exercise would be an improvement from the lack of which I am accomplishing now.

I am hoping that by my birthday I will weight between 120-130 lbs.

So it starts now!



Hannah said...

Cheryl!! WOW!! I think you reached inside my mind and blogged EXACTLY WORD FOR WORD how I feel about my self and used to fell about my self and what I need to do about it!! Especially about the beer!! That is going to be tough because I am like you after a hard days work... ya girl wants a cold beer. I know you can do it... and I know I can too its just dedication and taking it one day at a time.... Its so weird because we are in the same boat as far as weight and everything! We really would make a great work out/diet pair if we could get on the same schedule, which may be something I can do once I am at the store.... All I can say is WOW... you took the words right of my mouth for this post....

FilipinaFoodista said...

I think all of us who have been wanting to lose weight and complaining for a while have been feeling this way. I'm just sick of grabbing my stomach flab all the time and thinking about how much I want to get rid of iit instead of doing something about. Let me know your schedule when you start your new job. I would be happy to have someone help me along. I don't feel like it would be a competition with you either, so that makes me feel better! :)

Christina said...

Ok I'm w/ you sister! I've tweeted you my frustrations and I'm ready too. Well, not really - but you know, sometimes you've got to just PUSH yourself! I so so so wish we lived closer so we could motivate ea. other and go for walks, etc. together! I think we'd both be 120 in no time again! That's my goal too!

FilipinaFoodista said...

Yes, I so wish we lived closer to each other too. I think we would make it all fun. I don't think I will ever be back down to 120, but I'll try. I'm so scared I'm going to fail at this but I am going to try to blog about it once or twice a week to keep "motivated".

About Me

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I am a mother, soon to be wife, and daughter. I'm half Filipino and half American and was raised in sweet home Alabama. I have a passion for cooking food and I'm here to blog about it!
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